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Sunday, May. 26, 2002 | 2:18 p.m.

Dear Ang,

I've spent the last few months going over the various things I would write to you in this letter. I have now forgotten the vast majority of them and the others I have deemed unworthy of your time. It doesn't matter; nothing more than three simple words is required to convey my purpose in writing.

I love you. I've spent the last six years of my life with you. To list the memories would take days. You have become a part of me, and a piece of my heart will always belong to you, whether you want it or not. You've allowed me to "do life" with you in a very real way, and that is an honor for which I will always be grateful.

Thank you for laughter and late-night hot tub conversations. Thank you for silly notes and teary phone calls. Thank you for 3am road trips and neighborhood bike rides. Thank you for prom and Killer Miller adventures. Thank you for camping trips and shopping sprees. Thank you for CIY and bus rides. Thank you for birthday surprises and your baptism.

These are just a few of the experiences we have shared. But now things are changing and we're about to go in different directions. I don't know what the future holds for either of us. I don't know how often our paths will cross again or if they will at all.

What I do know is this: No matter where you go or what you do, Jesus is always there for you. He put you in my life for a reason, and I am better and stronger for having known you. It is my prayer that you can say the same of me, and that, when you look back on these last few years, you are content with the outcome.

Angie, you are a bright, beautiful girl with a thousand talents I'd die to have. Seek His will for your life and you'll be happier in the end.

I wish that I could wrap my arms around you and protect you from all that this world has to offer, but of course, I can't do that. So remember what you've learned from the people who love you. Keep your verse near the front of your mind--"Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character," (1 Corinthians 15:33). And know that my door is always open and I am never more than a phone call away.

I love you and i never want to hurt you. If I have wronged you or have somehow misguided you, I am sorry.

I know about the stuff that's been happening. I hope you know that I will never, ever judge you or look down on you. I only hurt for you because you are hurting. No matter what happens, I love you anyway. I love you when you are happy. I love you when you are sad. I love you when you hate me. I don't care about what has happened. I just care about you. And I love you anyway.

Thank you for your friendship and for sharing your life with me. I hope this is not the end. Congratulations. I love you.

I miss you all the time.


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