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Sunday, May. 26, 2002 | 12:15 a.m.

i only look pretty for you these days. and the girls who dress up for each other make me sick.

tonight the distance is deafening. because even though i only let go of you nine hours ago. it feels like it was nine years ago. and all i hear is a humming that faintly resembles your voice when you sing.

tomorrow i let go of the girl i still call my best friend. tomorrow i bid farewell to the girl i called my best friend for the first fourteen years of my life. and that is the reason it was so hard to watch you drive away today. because saying goodbye to three people whom i love is just too much. and i might not make it through these next twenty-four hours.

my heart shattered into a thousand pieces as i watched those girls today. and the tears just kept coming and i couldn't make them stop.

tomorrow i will be all alone. this is more than i can handle. i can't fight the anger or the hurt any more. i don't know how to do this. i don't know how to lose them. i don't know how to be without them. i don't know how to say goodbye to yesterday.

i need your hands on me now.

go on drone