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04.29.2003 | 5:13 pm

the more i hear people say these things, the less they mean to me:

"amen, praise God!" and "where are you with God?" and anything involving the phrase "spend time with God"

the first one loses it's meaning after about the second time you say it. the second one makes no sense--what kind of answer would you possibly be looking for if you asked it? and finally, i don't understand what "spending time with God" means. are you praying? reading your Bible? journaling? then say that. but spending time with God sounds like you're putting him in a box.

also my roommate just informed me that someone asked her what she's passionate about and she started crying because she's "so passionate about them." the only things she's passionate about are her stupid boyfriend who made the worst banana bread i've ever tasted and being a worship leader, which she is not even good at.


go on drone