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Wednesday, Mar. 20, 2002 | 6:54 p.m.

forgive my lack of entries. my silence is due to circumstances out of my control.

aka bruno.

there is a stupid foreign exchange student who lives at my house. his name is bruno. he's from brazil. i don't like him.

he's kinda dirty. he sings really loud when he's in the shower. and he talks to himself constantly. but he doesn't talk to any of us. he spends hours on the computer. doing nothing. downloading nike commercials. i swear. and then i can't even check my stupid e-mail.

when it rains he smells weird.

he's lazy, too. on new year's eve everyone was running around my house trying to clean it and stuff because people were coming over. my brother and i got up and spent the whole day cleaning pretty much. my boy was even here that weekend. even HE was helping clean our house. he doesn't even live here.

but bruno came downstairs around noon. in pajamas. and started eating. and he watched us clean. and didn't offer to help.

i. don't. like. him.

that is an understatement.

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